Ingenieurbüro Dr. Stöbener
Ebereschenring 45
34346 Hann. Münden (Germany)
Phone: + 49 (0) 5541 7999-190
Fax:    + 49 (0) 5541 7999-180
Mail: info@noSpamw-ave.de

offers anti vibration solutions for midsize and heavy weight, highly vibration sensitive measurement and production equipment, like Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), Ultra High Vacuum© - Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (UHV-STM) and Nanolithography Systems.

provides expertise in performing and analyzing vibration measurements for professional vibration site survey reports.

elaborates standard and customized anti vibration systems based on active vibration isolation and control technique.

will be pleased to solve your vibration problem!
